That's the only way to describe
"Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith". We didn't go to the midnight showing, but we did take opening day off of work and school to go see it as a family.
CNN is reporting that the movie raked in an estimated $16.5 million from 2,900 midnight screenings around the country--
double the amount that "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" last year.
The movie masterfully wove the new and old movies together. Everything came together as the story unfolded and all the loose ends were tied together. For a Star Wars fan, it was perhaps the best of all six movies...it was for us. I won't say any more because I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it yet, but here are a couple of fun links:
How Lightsabers Work Darth Vader: This is Your LifeTest your Star Wars Knowledge Quiz
[Dr. Terry Law, President and Founder of World Compassion / Terry Law Ministries, and the World Compassion team have just returned from a meeting with Iyad Allawi, the new Prime minister of Iraq, as well as an extensive meeting and interview with George Sada, the National Security Advisor of Iraq. The primary purpose of the trip was to meet with the Christian Leadership of Iraq to discuss and arrange the distribution of the thousands of Bibles and Christian literature recently brought into the country.]During this trip Dr. Terry Law had an extensive interview with George Sada, the National Security Advisor of Iraq. Sada provided great insight as to the views of the Iraqi people and the liberation as well as their views on the American occupation. Of great interest was the discussion regarding the future of Christians in Iraq. "Allawi promised them that he would return everything back to the Christians that were taken by Saddam," said Sada. "Christian schools, churches all go back. Plus we will give you some more." Sada specifically mentioned the welcoming of the return of the International English School in Iraq and the Jesuit Baghdad College.
Read the full story here:
Law Attorney - Humanitarian Aid Leader Dr. Terry Law meets...
Well, the boys both surprised us this past weekend! Christopher decided he wants to play football in the fall, so we signed him up for that over the weekend. He has the potential to be really good at it, too. He's got the perfect build for football! Ian told us that he wants to runt track...something we never really thought he was interested in. He doesn't really want to do Cross Country, so he'll have to wait until next spring to start his new sport. He's a really fast runner, so he has a good chance to excel in that area. They're smart boys...they're choosing areas to try that they have a high likelyhood of succeeding in...very wise for their years. How often do we set ourselves up for success? Not nearly as often as we should, I dare say!
We had a very nice afternoon talking over a long lunch at the hotel restaurant...just the two of us. It was great. I think the best part of the whole weekend was just being able to spend so much time together, reconnecting. Couples just need to do that from time to time--it's so easy to lose the communication in the busyness of day to day life. So, Saturday afternoon was a really nice, relaxing time in a very busy weekend.
Saturday evening was a really nice evening. We got to know more about the ministry, and met more great people...some were from Michigan, too! Betsy told us about her ministry in the Grand Rapids area. She collects industrial scrap materials from businesses and recycles them for use in schools in for charity projects. I sat next to Beverly at dinner--wife of a Florida lobbyist (former senator and legislator)--and we had a wonderful talk. She was very sweet...very down-to-earth. We were treated to a great drama presentation, "The Cross", and heard more great music from
Dick and Mel Tunney.
Sunday Morning was neat, too. We packed up our luggage and went to
Langley Air Force Base for a "Change of Leadership" ceremony. Gen. Abel retired this year from the Military Ministries and this was his time to hand over leadership to Gen. Dees. They did the ceremony very much like a regular military ceremony would have been conducted. It was very formal and "official" feeling. Afterward, we were treated to brunch at the
Officer's Club.
From there, we went to the airport and waited...and waited... See, even though it was
Late April, Michigan was dealing with
snow! Our plane was over an hour late to arrive because it was coming from Detroit...which had 7" of snow! Well, that's Michigan for you! LOL! We had a really great time waiting, though, because we were able to fellowship with some new friends, Ann-Marie, David, and the Manthei's from
Petoskey. It's really neat how when you meet up with fellow believers, it's like you've known each other forever. I think it's like that because when it goes down to your core, you have a common basis for belief...everything else just seems to fall into place. It truly is a
small world!
We got home about 9:00 and it was really great to see the boys again. They
grew while we were gone, though! It seems like they just do that every so often over night!