Today was filled with a LOT of walking and a lot of monuments/museums. It was a busy, but fun day. We started out early and saw one of the new R2D2 mailboxes on our walk. It was really cool. They're unveiling the new Star Wars stamp at the gala on Wednesday night. We're secretly hoping that George Lucas will be there in honor of the event. They're not saying much, though, so we'll have to wait and see. Scott's trying to get 3 extra tickets, so we can all go.

We got in lines very early to get tickets to see the Holocaust Museum (no photos allowed) and the Washington Monument (inside). We couldn't get tickets beforehand, so we were really surprised to be able to get in to BOTH on this day. The Washington Monument was amazing. When you stand at the base, you think it goes on forever! We took a bunch of pictures from inside, too. We weren't allowed to take any pictures at the Holocaust Museum.

While we were waiting for our scheduled times for the above, we were able to visit several other sites on the National Mall. (BTW, with a name like "National Mall", you'd think you'd be able to do some shopping, right? Not so.)

We saw the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam and Korean Memorials, and the Lincoln Monument. We also went on a tour of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which was pretty fascinating (no photos allowed inside). The view from the top of the Washington Monument was really cool, but we were all a little disappointed with the Holocaust Museum (just a little too depressing for our taste).
See all the photos
here, along with descriptions of many of the photos.
Labels: family, travel, vacation, Washington DC