We took Ian out to get a little experience behind the wheel before he started Driver's Ed. He did a really good job his first time out!
Now, he's a couple of days into the 3-week Driver's Ed class and drove on the road today! They've increased the difficulty of the class and the testing process, so he's looking at considerable homework...just what he wanted to do over summer vacation! Well, in the end, he'll be able to get his permit, so I think he'll live. :o)
Labels: driving, family, Ian

Today was a pretty amazing day for Christopher. He turned 16 and got his driver's license! He drove by himself for the first time and got keys to both vehicles. Ian totally
loves riding shotgun, too! Tomorrow, they will drive to school, instead of taking the bus, which they are thrilled about!

This is a picture of Christopher's birthday present. He needed a better instrument, since he is going to be pursuing a career in music education...and with being in Jazz & Symphonic Bands next year...it was just time. He had
no clue he was going to get his new trumpet today, though--it was so much fun being able to surprise him!
Ian wrote an
amazing report on
Alzheimer's Disease for Science. He wrote another really good report recently on Creation vs. Evolution, too. He's really developing a nice writing style and ability to express himself in writing. Makes a mom proud!
Special bonus!
Almost 16 Song from the collection of
Silly Songs with Scott. Enjoy!
Labels: birthday, Christopher, driving, Ian, Silly Songs with Scott, writing