Thursday, December 06, 2007
News and Such
So, as many of you know, I've learned over the past year or so that my body doesn't tolerate gluten. Yeah, it's a pain, but I feel so much better when I don't eat it...not to mention all the long-term effects. In fact, the Celiac could very well have played a part in my big drama episode last year with the multiple clots in both lungs--my doctor is investigating this for me.

Living gluten-free is much easier than it used to be. There are so many yummy products out now. We even have a gluten-free bakery in Grand Rapids! In fact, I just finished the website for
Coco Charlotte. The owner, Erin, studied in Paris, so she
knows baking! I got a pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving that was totally amazing! I could go on and on...
Also related to this subject, I've also been given the leadership responsibility for our local
Celiac Support Network in Barry County. We've just had one meeting since I have been leading it, but it went really well and we had a lot of new people show up. The word is getting out and I think we're going to be able to help a lot of people with our group. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month...visit the site for more information.

The boys have finished up their first trimester in school and they did an amazing job academically! Christopher has a 4.0 GPA (including one AP--college--class) and Ian is right up there with a 3.94 GPA. They're both great kids and we're very proud of them.
We had a kind of fun week at work this week. We had a cubicle decorating contest and Slipper Day, which was kind of fun. There are
pictures on my Flickr site, if you're interested.
I know it's not October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month), but if you haven't had a mammogram recently, please make that appointment! When it hits someone in your family, you realize the importance...just kind of drives it home and you make the call. Don't wait for that, though...make that appointment today!
Have fun getting ready for Christmas! I'll try to post again really soon!
Labels: Celiac, Dramatic Design, family, gluten-free, school, work
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Busy Times
So much has been happening! I'm not sure where to start! I guess I'll start with the boys.
Christopher was nominated as one of the Students of the Month for September. (I'll try to get a scan of the newspaper picture up soon.) He has really enjoyed marching band this year and even thinks that he wants to pursue a career as a high school music teacher. He has gotten very serious about his trumpet playing, too. He has decided to enter the Solo and Ensemble Competition in January. We took him to a college fair last week, so he's already considering where he will go in just 2.5 years! Science Olympiad starts this coming week and he's anxious for the new season of competition.
Ian finished his football season today. His team did really well with a 7-2 record! He really enjoyed being on the team, but he doesn't think he'll play in future years. Marching band is one of Ian's favorite things now--he's first-chair in the trombone section! That's pretty good for a freshman! He's really enjoying high school--and especially his Computer Science class. He thinks that he probably wants to pursue a career that has to do with computers and criminal science.
Scott played the piano today for a good friend's wedding. I had forgotten how much I enjoy listening to him play. He's been extremely busy with work, putting in about 50 hours most weeks. He's hoping that things will settle down eventually in that area. Two of the photos that Scott took on our Washington DC trip have been chose for inclusion in the newly released fourth edition of the
Schmap Washington DC Guide. They are in the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima) section (click through the pictures to see his "by line") You can also see the full-size photos
here and
I'm going to be taking over leadership for our local
Celiac Support Network, so I've been working on a website for that, making decisions on some changes, lining up guest speakers, etc. I'm excited about the possibilities; I think there are a lot of people in the Barry County area who would benefit from our group, but just don't know that it exists.

My cousin, Brady, who is finishing up a degree in computer animation, recently had some of his artwork published in
his school's promotional brochure! The model in the picture is Lisa, a break-dancing skateboarder, who will be a character in his video game that he will be designing. Click to enlarge photo, of course!
Labels: Celiac, family, school, sports, Washington DC, work
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Fall Update

What a busy summer we have had! Christopher took Driver's Ed. in June and July, so he's been driving on a learner's permit for almost two months. He's doing really well and we are conficent that he will become a very responsible driver. He does enjoy driving and is very careful to follow the rules of the road. He hopes to save enough money to buy his own car when he turns 16.

Ian went on a mission trip to Niagra Falls with the church and had a great time ministering to the people of that area. He worked on various projects--inside and outside (including pulling weeds one day) and really learned a lot from his experience. He is now playing Freshman Football at school. His team is 2-0 so far, so they're doing very well. He's #57 on the team. (If you click on this photo to enlarge it, you will see him just above the ref and below the Trojan head.)

Both boys are marching in the High School band. They play different instruments, but somehow ended up walking into the stadium next to each other...maybe the band teacher just has a sense of humor...I'm not sure. The songs this season are mostly from the three Shrek movies, which is the reason for the green t-shirts. They'll wear their normal band uniforms for the rest of the football season.

Yesterday was Grandpa's memorial service. It was great to be able to honor him with a military service, even though it was hard on us emotionally. I think many of us had to start the grieving process over and it brought up a lot of sad feelings that we thought we had already dealt with. We're really going to miss him. Many friends and family traveled to Augusta, MI to attend. We were able to get a four-generation picture while we were all together, so that was nice. This song has brought me a lot of comfort:
Dancing With The Angels - Monk & Neagle
Memories surround me
But sadness has found me
I'd do anything for more time
Never before has someone meant more
And I can't get you out of my mind
There is so much that I don't understand
But I know
You're dancing with the angels
Walking in new life
You're dancing with the angels
Heaven fills your eyes
Now that you're dancing with the angels
You had love for your family
Love for all people
Love for the Father, and Son
Your heart will be heard
In your unspoken words
Through generations to come
There is so much that I don't understand
But I know
We're only here for such a short time
So I'm gonna stand up
Shout out
And sing Hallelujah
One day I'll see you again
Labels: band, church, driving, family, school
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